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Spiritual Work Adullam means, "Place of Rest". In 2 Samuel 22:1-3 we read how David hid from Saul in a cave called 'Adullam'. While he was hiding from Saul, many people in need came to David and he trained them to be soldiers for the Lord. That is our vision for Adullam, to train those in need to be soldiers for the Lord.
Daily Services Daily evening services are held as well as Sunday morning services.
Youth Camps Youth Camps are held on weekends, once per quarter and during the school holidays.
Easter Conferences Easter Conferences are held annually during the Easter weekend to remember what Christ did on the Cross for us. Members of all congregations and denominations invited to attend the conference.
Bible School
A one-year full time course is presented at Adullam. We use the Timothy Training and Veritas courses plus practical. We also offer a part-time course over three years.
Ministers' Conferences Adullam hosts a Ministers' Conference every second year for pastors and spiritual workers. |
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